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Research funding at the Medical Faculty of the Ruhr University Bochum

Research funding is a crucial part of our mission to drive medical innovation and shape the future of healthcare. At the Faculty of Medicine at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), we offer comprehensive support for all researchers, whether they are students, doctoral candidates, experienced scientists or clinicians.

Our expertise and a strong network of partners at national and international level enable us to take advantage of numerous funding opportunities and promote medical research in its various fields.

Our funding opportunities

RUB supports its researchers with a variety of programs and initiatives:

FoRUM – Research Funding at Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty of Medicine

The FoRUM program is the intramural research funding initiative of the Faculty of Medicine at Ruhr University Bochum. It was established to support the faculty's research priorities and to specifically promote clinical research. The program focuses on funding early-stage projects and fostering young researchers to support innovative ideas and the development of aspiring medical scientists.


Project Funding
The goal of FoRUM's project funding is to provide initial financial support for transforming innovative ideas into scientific knowledge. This funding aims to generate preliminary data, enabling researchers to later apply for external grants or foundation funding. Additionally, it allows early-career scientists to gain valuable experience in drafting project proposals.

Clinician Scientist Program
The intramural Clinician Scientist Program provides physicians engaged in research with the opportunity to be relieved of clinical duties, allowing them to dedicate themselves fully to advancing their scientific work. This enables the completionand publication of research projects, facilitating habilitations, applications for junior professorships, or other steps in a scientific career. A dedicated Female Clinician Scientist Program offers tailored support for women requiring additional assistance due to family responsibilities, such as childcare or caregiving for dependent relatives.

Doctoral Scholarships
As part of the structured doctoral program of the Faculty of Medicine at Ruhr University Bochum, FoRUM-funded doctoral scholarships are available for conducting experimental research projects. These scholarships provide financial support to selected doctoral candidates, enabling them to fully concentrate on successfully completing a promising dissertation.

Guidelines for FoRUM research funding 2024


Project funding (start-up funding, collaborative projects, additional equipment, return positions)

  • Application at any time
  • Funding is awarded after assessment and resolution at a FoRUM Advisory Board meeting.

FoRUM Advisory Board meeting dates

  • March 17, 2025
  • June 16, 2025
  • September 22, 2025
  • December 8, 2025

Clinician Scientist positions

  • Clinician Scientist - Module I - Deadline: 15.05.2025
  • Female Clinician Scientist - Module II - Deadline: 15.08.2025
    • Advanced Clinician Scientist - Module III - Deadline: 31.10.2025

Doctoral scholarship as part of the structured doctoral program

  •  Deadline: 15.02.2025 und 15.08.2025

Foundation funding

  • Research Training Group of the Dr. Georg E. and Marianne Kosing Foundation: Deadline extended until February 28, 2025


  • The FoRUM conference will take place on, November 12, 2025, at the UK Marien Hospital Herne.

Impulse lecture “FoRUM - Research funding at the Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty of Medicine”

  • The event offers you an insight into the many opportunities for research funding at the Faculty of Medicine. You will learn interesting facts about our current funding programs (FoRUM project funding up to €80,000, clinician scientist positions, doctoral scholarships and foundation funding) and how you can benefit from them as part of our research community. We look forward to your questions and suggestions. The lecture and subsequent discussion will last approximately one hour, registration is not required.

    May 7, 2024 Marien Hospital Herne
    June 6, 2024 St. Josef Hospital Bochum, Hörsaalzentrum


Information sheet on the allocation of funds and application (PDF)

Call for Clinician Scientist (PDF)

Call for Doctoral Scholarships (PDF)

Application template FoRUM (Word)

Application template Clinician Scientist (Word)

Final report on project funding (PDF)

Final report on project funding (Word)


The "InnovationsFoRUM" program aims to strengthen translational research between the university hospitals and the campus institutes of the Faculty of Medicine. Research funding from the special university agreement for 2022–2025 is allocated to support collaborative projects, technological application research, and young researchers.

Currently, there is no open application phase.

LOM – Performance-Based Funding Allocation

LOM (Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe) refers to performance-based financial incentives awarded to structurally independent departments or clinics within the Faculty of Medicine, based on their scientific contributions. LOM aims to encourage third-party funding acquisition and increase research output. Performance is evaluated based on the amount of external funding spent and the quality of publications. The allocation for each department/clinic is calculated as a percentage of their research performance relative to the overall performance of the faculty.


It is possible to apply for additional material resources for purchases or equipment via the KoFFER Commission. KoFFER stands for "Commission for Financial Autonomy, Supplementary and Reserve Funds". The KoFFER Commission first decides on the applications and submits its decisions to the Faculty Council. The allocation of funds is governed by the Faculty's guidelines, which can be downloaded below together with the application form.


KoFFER application form (Word)

KoFFER guidelines (PDF)

Translational Pioneers of Bochum University Medicine

This program is dedicated to advancing translational research and unlocking the full potential of Bochum University Medicine. Newly established W2 Tenure Track Professorships focus on tackling clinically significant questions through innovative methodologies. These efforts aim to lay the groundwork for collaborative research projects and novel approaches to treatment and care within the clinics. 

By fostering partnerships between the clinical institutions and the campus-based institutes of the Faculty of Medicine, the program bridges the gap between preclinical basic research and its clinical application, ensuring a seamless integration of discovery and practice.

At present, there is no active application phase.

Third-party funding management

Third-party funding management at RUB plays a central role in the administration and processing of funding projects. We support all researchers through the third-party funding management of the medical facilities, which is coordinated by Department 4. The department helps with the application, administration and accounting of third-party funds.

More information and support on third-party funding management can be found on the website of the third-party funding administration of the medical institutions..

Ethics committee and approvals

Ethical approvals are required before you can start certain clinical studies or research projects. The Ethics Committee of the Westfalen-Lippe Medical Association reviews and approves research projects that involve medical interventions or the use of patient data. Further information and the application for approval can be found on the website of the Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association.

For locations in Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL), you can also contact the Bad Oeynhausen Ethics Committee, which is responsible for ethical reviews and approvals in this region. Further information and the application for approval can be found on the website of the Bad Oeynhausen Ethics Committee.

Ein Student forscht an einem medizinischen Gerät
© RUB, Marquard

Research networks and cooperations

Through our international collaborations and regional partnerships, we can promote the exchange of knowledge and technologies. We work closely with other research institutions, universities and companies to network your research beyond RUB.

Our Medical Research Services offer state-of-the-art infrastructure and expertise, enabling you to conduct your research at the highest level in areas such as bioinformatics, proteomics, medical imaging and sequencing technologies.

Equal opportunities and support for all researchers

At RUB sind equal opportunities and diversity are core values. We are actively committed to providing equal conditions for all researchers - regardless of gender, origin or status. Our aim is to create an inclusive and supportive research environment where everyone can develop their full potential.

Studentierende der medizinischen Fakultät der Ruhr Universität Bochum schauen sich Abbildungen auf einem Bildschirm an


To more effectively disseminate funding opportunities from the Medical Faculty and external calls to a targeted audience, we have established a dedicated WhatsApp channel.

This platform will serve to communicate announcements regarding grants, scholarships, and awards, as well as key deadlines and significant dates.

The intended audience comprises:

To The WhatsApp-Channel

Portraitaufnahme Team Forschungsreferat
© RUB, Marquard

Research Management Team

forschung-medizinrub "«@&.de+49 234 32 26968

MB-Nord, Level 6
Room 133

Ein Stapel von Aktenordnern
© RUB, Marquard

Management of third-party funds

Marius Peters
Head of department

marius.petersruhr-uni-bochum "«@&.de

+49 243 32-28123

Portraitaufnahme Team Gleichstellung
© RUB, Marquard

Team Equality Medicine

gleichstellung-medizinrub "«@&.de+49 234 32 26119

MA-Süd, Level 1
Room 52