Habilitation procedure
The habilitation is a key step in the academic career ladder. The habilitation determines whether candidates can independently represent their subject at the Faculty of Medicine in research and teaching. It is an important prerequisite for applying for a professorship. The successful completion of a doctorate is a mandatory requirement.
It involves writing a habilitation thesis and presenting your research in a scientific colloquium before the Faculty Council. Upon successful completion, you will receive the teaching qualification from our faculty and the right to use the title “Privatdozent*in”.

Requirements for the habilitation
In order to be admitted to the habilitation, the following criteria must be met:
- Publication record: At least 15 original papers, of which at least 8 as first or last author.
- Teaching performance: Proof of five years of independent university teaching activity after the doctorate amounting to at least 2 semester hours per week (SWS).
We recommend that you have a consultation with the chair of our habilitation committee, Prof. Dr. Joachim Rassow, before submitting your application. He is going to answer any questions you may have and Is going to inform you about the requirements.
You can also find detailed information in the information sheet in the download area.
How to submit an application
After completing your habilitation thesis, you can submit an informal application to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. This application should state the subject area you are aiming for, your supervising professor and the topic of your habilitation thesis. Please send the application together with the required documents digitally as a PDF file to the Dean's Office at apl-habil-medizinrub "«@&.de.
Documents to be submitted
We require the following documents for your application:
- Written application
- List of your scientific publications and presentations (see template “Guidelines for the presentation of publication achievements”)
- List of your teaching achievements
- For clinical subjects: Recognition as a specialist* and license to practice medicine*
- Doctoral degree certificate*
- Declaration of other habilitation attempts
- Declaration of your own contribution to the habilitation thesis and co-authors
- Declaration that you are familiar with the provisions of the habilitation regulations
- Official certificate of good conduct of document type O (if you are not employed at Ruhr-Universität Bochum; this will be sent to us automatically)
*Please submit certified copies or provide us with the originals for comparison.
In addition, we ask you to submit your habilitation thesis both digitally as a separate file and in triplicate bound. Please refer to the information sheet in the download area for the exact requirements.

Habilitation information sheet August 2024
Guidelines for the presentation of publication achievements (table)
Guidelines for the presentation of publication achievements (table) - edited version