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Committees and commissions

Here, you can learn more about the work, composition, and responsibilities of the permanent committees and councils of our faculty. In addition to information on the Faculty Council and the Committee for Planning, Structure, and Finance, you will find an overview of the other permanent committees below.

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty Council is the central decision-making body of the Faculty of Medi-cine. It sets important guidelines for academic development and makes decisions on research, teaching and finances. The meetings take place on three dates per semester during the lecture period.

Members and deputies

Current Term of office: winter semester 2023/2024 - summer semester 2026 (Students: Winter semester 2024/2025 - Summer semester 2025)

Dean / Chair: Prof. Dr. Andrea Tannapfel

Vice Dean: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt

Dean of Studies: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schäfer

Voting members:

Prof. Dr. Ralf Erdmann, deputy: Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel
Prof. Dr. Carsten Theiß, deputy: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Elsenbruch
Prof. Dr. Stephan Hahn, deputy: Prof. Dr. Ina Otte
Prof. Dr. Nina Timmesfeld, deputy: Prof. Dr. Katrin Marcus
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lücke, deputy: Prof. Dr. Vera von Dossow
Prof. Dr. Anke Reinacher-Schick, deputy: Prof. Dr. Peter Zahn
Prof. Dr. Justus Strauch, deputy: Prof. Dr. Michael Adamzik
Prof. Dr. Timm Westhoff, deputy: Prof. Dr. Jan Borggrefe

Research assistants
Dr. Matthias Joswig, deputy: Dr. Theresa Busse
Dr. Nathalie Malewicz, deputy: PD Dr. Hartmuth Nowak

Employees in technology and administration
Tanja Behning, deputy: Nadine Wandke
Beatrice Alborn, deputy: Heidrun Bartmann-Brug

Bileam Urban van Melis, deputy: Joshua Nikodem
Paul Günther Scheunemann, deputy: Lina Elberfeld
Max Briefs, deputy: Johannes Maximilian Wienhold

Permanent guests
Ines Razanica
Sarah Risse
Julia Städter

Meeting dates in 2025

Meeting dates (16:15 in each case)

  • Wednesday, 26.02.2025
    Deadline for the submission of TOPs Wednesday, 12.02.2025
  • Wednesday, 23.04.2025
    Deadline for the submission of TOPs Wednesday, 09.04.2025
  • Wednesday, 04.06.2025
    Deadline for the submission of TOPs Wednesday, 21.05.2025
  • Wednesday, 09.07.2025
    Deadline for the submission of TOPs Wednesday, 25.06.2025

Please send your proposals and draft resolutions by email at least two weeks before the meeting to: fakrat-medizinrub "«@&.de

Commission for Planning, Structure and Finance (KPSF)

The Commission for Planning, Structure and Finance (KPSF) advises and supports the Faculty Council in strategic decisions. The KPSF usually meets two weeks before the first and last meet-ing of the Faculty Council in the semester.


Dean / Chair
Prof. Dr. Andrea Tannapfel

Vice Dean
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt

Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schäfer

Prof. Dr. Ralf Erdmann
Prof. Dr. Horst Christian Vollmar
Prof. Dr. Jan Gummert
Prof. Dr. Georg Juckel
Prof. Dr. Joachim Noldus
Prof. Dr. Timm Westhoff
Prof. Dr. Anke Reinacher-Schick
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer
Prof. Dr. Michael Adamzik
Prof. Dr. Ali Canbay
Prof. Dr. Jan Borggrefe
Prof. Dr. Peter Zahn
Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer

Scientific staff
PD Dr. Veronika Schlaffke
PD Dr. Veronika Matschke
Dr. Nathalie Malewicz

Employees in technology and administration
Beatrice Alborn

Johanes Wienhold

Meeting dates 2025

Meeting dates (17:00 in each case)

  • Thursday, 17.04.2025
    Deadline for the submission of TOPs Thursday, 27.03.2025
  • Thursday, 26.06.2025
    Deadline for the submission of TOPs Thursday, 05.06.2025

Please submit your request per email on time to: kpsf-medizinrub "«@&.de

Standing committees of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine has numerous standing committees that deal with different subject areas. If you are interested in participating or require information on the members of the com-mittees, you can contact us at medizinrub "«@&.de kontaktieren. 

Area of academic procedures
  • Doctoral Committee
    The Doctoral Committee decides on admission to doctoral procedures and supervises them until they are completed.

    You can obtain more information from the promotion office.

  • Examination boards for doctoral procedures
    The examination boards conduct the oral examinations and decide on the acceptance of doctoral theses.

    Further information can be obtained from the doctoral office.

  • APL Commission
    This commission decides on the awarding of associate professorships

    Details can be found here.

  • Habilitation Commission
    The habilitation committee supervises habilitation procedures from the application to the habilitation colloquium.

    Further information can be found here.

  • Tenure Track Commission
    This committee evaluates junior professorships and other positions with a tenure-track option.

    . For more information, please contact our Appointment Procedures team.

Research, Construction and Finance Division
  • FoRUM Advisory Board
    The FoRUM Advisory Board supports research projects and organizes the annual FoRUM conference.

    Further information can be obtained from the Research Department or at forum-medizinrub "«@&.de.

  • NeKSt Advisory Board
    The Advisory Board supports the Network for Clinical Studies of the Ruhr University Bochum in its strategic orientation in the context of clinical research. Information on NeKSt.RUB can be found here

    If you are interested, please contact: nekst-medizinrub "«@&.de.

  • Commission for Young Scientists
    The commission develops measures to promote young scientists. To this end, it develops measures, campaigns and organizes events.

    If you are interested, please contact: junge-medizinrub "«@&.de.

  • Building Commission
    This commission deals with spatial planning and construction projects.

    If you are interested, please contact: bau-medizinrub "«@&.de.

  • User Commission of the Central Laboratory Animal Facility (ZVM)
    The User Commission of the Central Laboratory Animal Facility (ZVM) brings together repre-sentatives of all departments that conduct animal research. The committee promotes coop-eration and communication between the researchers, the management of the ZVM and the animal welfare officer. It ensures that research projects run smoothly by coordinating regis-tration procedures, access regulations and compliance with legal requirements.

    If you are interested, please contact: medizinrub "«@&.de

  • KOFFER Commission
    The KOFFER Commission decides on the use of funds for additional projects and invest-ments.

    Further information is available here.

    If you are interested, please contact: medizinrub "«@&.de

Study and Teaching Department
  • Examination Board
    The committee monitors compliance with the examination regulations and ensures that examinations are conducted correctly.
  • Evaluation Committee
    This committee is responsible for the organization and implementation of course evalua-tions.
  • Teaching committee
    The Teaching Committee plans and organizes the study and practical blocks as well as the associated examinations.
  • Study Advisory Board
    The Study Advisory Board advises on all matters relating to studies and teaching and can submit proposals to improve study conditions.
  • QVM Commission
    The QVM Commission supports the university management in the quality assurance of teaching and study conditions.
Ethics committees

The ethics committees are responsible for reviewing and approving research projects. Their aim is to maintain the highest ethical standards and ensure the protection of participants. The committee supports researchers in identifying ethical issues and promoting responsible research.

Ethics Committee of the Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association

Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine (Bad Oyenhausen site)

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