Network Clinical Studies of the Ruhr University Bochum
The Clinical Trials Network of the Ruhr University Bochum (NeKSt.RUB) is a central institution of the Faculty of Medicine that supports researchers in conducting clinical trials. Our main goal is to strengthen clinical research at all locations of Bochum University Medicine, especially in Investigator Initiated Trials (IIT). We offer comprehensive support - from planning and application to the implementation of clinical trials.
To promote interdisciplinary research, we work closely with various partners such as the Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (AMIB), the Biobank Network (BioNet.RUB) and the Medical Data Integration Center (MeDIZ.RUB). Through these collaborations, we promote innovative projects and contribute to the improvement of medical research.

Our range of services
Study consulting and project management
NeKSt.RUB offers you professional advice and individual solutions for your clinical research. We accompany you throughout the entire process - from planning to successful implementation and evaluation of your study.
Planning phase
In the planning phase, we lay the foundation for the success of your clinical study. Together with the Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, we offer an initial consultation to check feasibility and requirements. On request, we can support you in the search for suitable sponsors and partners and in applying for funding.
Before starting your studies
We support you in the preparation of essential documents, including study protocols, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and center contracts. We also help with the application to ethics committees and authorities as well as the registration of the study.
During the study
During the conduct of the study, the focus is on the well-being of the patients and careful protocolization. We support you in organizing meetings, contacting study centers and handling administrative tasks such as amendments, interim reports and billing.
After graduation
We are also at your side after your study has been completed. We help with the preparation of final reports and publications as well as with the deregistration of the study in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Data management
Data management as a service is provided by the AMIB under the direction of Prof. Timmesfeld.
Alternatively, RUB researchers will be able to develop browser-based study databases independently on a validated REDCap® instance of NeKSt.RUB. The use of REDCap® is free of charge for RUB research groups.
Quality assurance
The NeKSt.RUB attaches great importance to comprehensive quality management. We provide SOPs for all phases of the study and offer regular monitoring and audits to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and the highest quality standards. Our proactive measures ensure the quality and integrity of your clinical trials.
Training and education
In our newsroom you will find training courses in the field of clinical trials. We are planning to provide certified training courses in the future. Information on costs can be found in the NeKSt.RUB cost catalog in the download area.
Scientific Advisory Board NeKSt.RUB - current members
The members of the scientific advisory board are experts from Bochum University Medicine and other leading clinics who advise NeKSt.RUB on all relevant issues. Here you can find a list of the current members:
Prof. Dr. Christian Klaes, UK Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lücke, Katholisches Klinikum Bochum - Kinderklinik
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Özcürümez, UK Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
Prof. Dr. Florian Roghmann, Marien Hospital Herne
Prof. Dr. Justus Strauch, BG UK Bergmannsheil Bochum
Prof. Dr. Dirk Strumberg, Marien Hospital Herne
Prof. Dr. Nina Timmesfeld, Medizinische Fakultät der RUB - AMIB
Prof. Dr. Lars Tönges, Katholisches Klinikum Bochum
Prof. Dr. Günther Winde, Klinikum Herford
Prof. Dr. Peter Zahn, BG UK Bergmannsheil Bochum
PD Dr. Felix Seibert, Marien Hospital Herne
PD Dr. Bernd Stratmann, Herz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW, Bad Oeynhausen
Dr. Denise Bogdanski, Katholisches Klinikum Bochum
Dr. Ida Haußleiter, LWL-UK Bochum
Dr. Stefanie Nöpel-Dünnebacke, Katholisches Klinikum Bochum
Dr. Günther Rezniczek, Marien Hospital Herne
Katja Fritz, Marien Hospital Herne
Sandra Reuter, Katholisches Klinikum Bochum
Christine Uphues-Schnell, NeKSt.RUB
Who can contact the NeKSt.RUB?
All members of the RUB Faculty of Medicine who are planning a clinical study.
How can I get in touch with NeKSt.RUB staff?
You can contact us by e-mail or telephone. You are welcome to use our application form.
What does a consultation cost?
The initial consultation and collaboration on a third-party funding application are free of charge.
When do costs start to arise and how are they calculated?
Once the third-party funding application has been approved, costs are incurred in accordance with the NeKSt.RUB cost catalog.