Associate professorships
The Ruhr University of Bochum awards the title of “Associate Professor” in recognition of outstanding academic achievements. The Faculty of Medicine can propose qualified persons to the Rectorate, provided they fulfill the necessary requirements.
Interested parties can submit an application to the faculty, which will then review it in a structured procedure with external assessment. On this page you will find an overview of the requirements and information on how to apply.

Requirements for an Adjunct Professorship (APL Professorship)
The following requirements are necessary for the award of the title “Associate Professorship”:
- Qualifications: you have the appointment requirements for a professorship, i.e. a completed habilitation or a successfully evaluated junior professorship.
- Experience: The award of the venia legendi or appointment as a junior professor was at least five years ago. In special cases, this can be shortened to four years (e.g. due to rejection of an appointment to a W2 or W3 professorship or due to a high-ranking academic award).
- Proof of performance: Your academic and teaching performance meets the quality standards of the Faculty of Medicine.
- Commitment: You are prepared to make a long-term commitment to teaching and research at the faculty.
You can find a detailed overview of the requirements in our checklist in the download area.
Application: How-to-Guide
Please send your complete application by e-mail to apl-habil-medizin@rub.de. Please provide us with the required documents via the Sciebo platform. You can find instructions on how to register online.
Required documents:
- Cover letter stating a contact person in the faculty who can assess the application.
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form, signed.
- Professional and academic background (approx. one page each).
- Description of future involvement in research and teaching, signed by a contact person at the faculty.
- Proof of teaching performance (see information sheet).
- List of publications, divided into works before and after the habilitation (see information sheet).
- List of third-party funded projects acquired after habilitation (see information sheet).
- Overview of supervised theses after habilitation (doctoral and diploma theses).
- Certified copies of relevant certificates (e.g. Venia legendi, doctoral certificate, specialist doctor's certificate).
- If requested by the Dean's Office: current official certificate of good conduct (document type O).
- Offprints of all original papers and review articles published after the habilitation.
- Confirmation of a list placement or rejection of an appointment to a W2/W3 professorship (if applicable).
Please consult our checklist before assembling your documents.
Application completed: What comes next?
Once your application has been received, the APL Commission reviews all documents and recommends to the Faculty Council that the procedure be opened if necessary. This is followed by an external review. This process can take some time. We ask for your understanding that no information on the status of the procedure can be provided while it is ongoing.

Information: Please always submit your teaching achievements as an Excel file.
Please pay attention to the formatting of your finished Excel file (print version).
List of third-party funds
Always send third-party funds in Word or Excel (calculate detailed list & total funding volume)
Presentation of publication achievements - before habilitation
Presentation of publications - after the habilitation
IMPACT FACTOR_Web of Science-listed original work
Quality standards of the Faculty of Medicine
Evaluation form examination course
Evaluation form Pre-clinical seminar
Evaluation form Pre-clinical internship
Evaluation form internship clinic